Monday, May 30, 2011


Documentary footage showing the abuse and torture of live Australian cattle in Indonesian slaughterhouses has prompted the Australian live export industry to suspend cattle shipments to the country.

The disturbing footage filmed by ABC shows animals “kicked, thrashed and beaten, their throats hacked at, eyes gouged and tails broken.”

The documentary is scheduled to be aired on ABC1’s “Four Corners” tonight.

Activist group Animals Australia went to 11 randomly selected slaughterhouse in Indonesia and filmed the cruelty before providing the footage to ABC’s “Four Corners,” which then sent a team of its own to film the abuse.

Animals Australia spokeswoman Lyn White told ABC, “We had assumed that because there were greater levels of industry involvement in Indonesia, the treatment of the livestock would have been better.

“But we couldn’t have been more wrong.”

The Australian live export industry had suspended shipments to at least three slaughterhouses in Indonesia.

Cameron Hall, the chief executive of LiveCorp, the live export industry’s research and marketing organization, says the footage shows “unacceptable and unnecessary” practices.

“Cruelty is not an everyday occurrence in the Indonesian marketplace,” he claimed.

But Australia’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) wrote in a statement that the industry’s response was “predictable and completely unacceptable,” claiming that it only reacted once animal cruelty had been revealed.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wolf Girl And Monkey Face

Little Supatra Sasupan is celebrating after being named the World Hairest Girl.
Young girl who for years suffered nasty nick name like monkey face and wolf girl finally has reason to smile about a rare medical condition that couses excessive hair growth on her face
Saputra Sasupan 11 earned the Guiness World Record for Hairiest Girl last year and in a new interview with Britains Daily Mail the delighted Thai Girl reveals winning the title chenged her life for the better.I am verry happy to be in the Guiness Record a lot of people have to do a lot to get in, she told the mail  all i did was answer a few questions and then they gave it to me


In the not-too-distant future, 9 year old Rafi may just be the next big thing on the catwals of Jakarta New york and Milan.
Even thought he was born with health compications and has own up hearing impaired, this budding young artist is blessed with a talent for designing vivdly beuiful dresse. With a litle help from his mom, Rafi shares with us the inspuring story of how he has overcome the significant hurdles he is had to face in his short life and how the future couldnt be brighter